Preface: We intend this policy to be a common-sense policy supporting minimal use and storage of private information. Our goal for this site is to store as little private personal information as is technically and legally feasible.
The term "The Service" as used in this document means the Conary repository hosting service accessible via and all software development projects created via, hosted in the domain.
We will never sell, rent, or otherwise transfer your private information that you give to us unless required by law or regulation; we will not use your information for unsolicited commercial email without your express permission (opt-in); you may request to be removed from our lists and we will use our best efforts to honor your request within 30 days.
We may send you automated email messages that are not unsolicited commercial email. By way of example and not limitation:
We may send periodic emails purely to verify that the email data that you have provided to us is still valid. We may, from time to time, inform you of any changes to this privacy policy or our terms of service by email.
Private information may include the following information in your user profile:
email address
full name
passwords and other authentication information such as hints
other contact information, such as phone number and address
You may be given the option whether to mark some such information as private or public. The profile information may also include other information we collect, as required by law.
All other information on the site is to be considered public information, and storing private information on this service, except for personal account information, is prohibited by the terms of service.
Some use of this site may intrinisically disclose personal information.
When you commit to a Conary archive, the name and contact information you provide will be permanently recorded in the Conary archive. When you send mail to a mailing list, the email address you use will be provided in the email that is sent, and will be stored in the permanent archives on our site. Any information at all that you commit to a Conary archive will be publically visible.
These examples are by way of example and not limitation.
We may collect, analyze, and store detailed and aggregate network information, including domain names, in order to monitor trends. We may share or publish this information only in aggregate form.
The full functionality of this site may, at our discretion, require the use of "cookies", which store data on your hard drive or in memory on your computer.
This privacy policy applies only to The Service, and not to any other services provided by rPath, Inc. Links on this site to URLs not part of The Service are not covered by this privacy policy.
In order to enhance security and guard the privacy of your information, we may take any actions necessary, such as security audits by persons or automated tools. Access to your private information will be limited to individuals who have a non-disclosure agreement.
If site security has been compromised in any way, we reserve the right to notify and cooperate fully with appropriate law enforcement officials, and to take other measures that we believe to be appropriate. If we are aware that your private information has been disclosed, we will attempt to notify you by email, as soon as possible and permitted by law or regulation, of the information we possess related to the disclosure of your private information.
We may change this policy from time to time. Any such changes will not make previously private personal information public, unless required by law. A change to this privacy policy will be posted at the following URL, and we will send email to active users notifying them of the change 15 days prior to change, unless otherwise required by law or regulation.
This document expresses our policy for maintaining your privacy. We do not guarantee any specific performance under these terms. In particular, circumstances over which we have no control may cause your information to be disclosed. We will not be liable if your information is disclosed.
Your use of any services provided as part of The Service signify your acceptance of these terms.
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